Get ready to embark on an all-new adventure as everyone’s favorite wayfinding heroine returns in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ highly anticipated theatrical sequel, Moana 2, sailing into theaters on November 27. This time, Moana will journey to the far seas of Oceania alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers on an expansive new voyage for an Continue Reading…
Tag: Merch
Shop A Pixar Celebration and Lightning McQueen Day Merch
Calling all “Cars” fans! Today, 9/5, we’re celebrating everyone’s favorite #95 racer on this honorary Lightning McQueen Day – led by the racer who loves going faster than fast! Get ready to switch gears as we celebrate with these amazing “Cars” must-haves: The 2.5-foot track set is designed to look like the Los Angeles Raceway, Continue Reading…
Mickey’s of Glendale Brings Imagineer-Designed Merch to D23
Get ready for a shopping experience like no other! At this year’s D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event, Mickey’s of Glendale, the Walt Disney Imagineering store, is gearing up (pun intended) to bring you a treasure trove of collections showcasing the incredible work and talent of Disney Imagineers. From Disney characters to iconic theme park attractions, guests can expect Continue Reading…